
Sunday, May 30, 2021

Lie, Smear campaign of COVID-19 origin probe;Cornerstone of strategic deterrence


Trade negotiators from China and the U.S. have held their first meeting under the Biden presidency, which coincided with the fallout over President Biden ordering a new intelligence report on the origins of COVID-19. The theory that the virus was leaked from a lab in China's Wuhan has resurfaced, although no new evidence has been presented. China is calling the move a smear campaign.

拜登发起新冠溯源调查,还要情 报界90天出结果!赵立坚回击"

 Efforts of tracing the coronavirus should not be only fixed on Wuhan

 U.S. politicizing COVID-19 origin tracing by openly denying WHO report

US is "preparing some bold moves" against China regarding tracing the origins of the pandemic


Cornerstone of China’s strategic deterrence against the US: more nuclear missiles and warheads 

 A formation of Dongfeng-41 intercontinental strategic nuclear missiles takes part in a military parade celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in Beijing, capital of China, October 1, 2019. Photo: Xinhua
As  the US strategic containment of Chinas has increasingly intensified, I would like to remind again that we have plenty of urgent tasks, but among the most important ones is to rapidly increase the number of commissioned nuclear warheads, and the DF-41s, the strategic missiles that are capable to strike long-range and have high-survivability, in the Chinese arsenal. This is the cornerstone of China's strategic deterrence against the US.

We must be prepared for an intense showdown between China and the US. In that scenario, a large number of Dongfeng-41, and JL-2 and JL-3 (both intercontinental-range submarine-launched ballistic missile) will form the pillar of our strategic will. The number of China's nuclear warheads must reach the quantity that makes US elites shiver should they entertain the idea of engaging in a military confrontation with China.

On this basis, we can calmly and actively manage divergences with Washington to avoid a minor incident sparking a war. US hostility toward China is burning. We must use our strength, and consequences that Washington cannot afford to bear if it takes risky moves, to keep them sober.

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