
Sunday, May 30, 2021

9,020 COVID-19 Cases Update on 29 May 2021! Malaysia full lockdown from June 1 to 14, essential service sectors open


KUALA LUMPUR, May 29 — The Ministry of Health (MoH) announced that there were a total of 9,020 new cases reported up till 12pm today, pushing the cumulative figure for positive cases in Malaysia to 558,534.

Today marks the highest number of cases recorded in Malaysia!

Top 5 states with the most cases today:

Selangor +2836, Kelantan +907, KL +789, Sarawak +726, Johor +468

(New High in Kelantan and Labuan with 907 cases and 253 cases respectively)

Current recovery rate is at 84.89%

Today Confirmed: 9,020

Total Confirmed: 558,534

Total Recovered: 474,139

Total Deaths: 2,552

  see more:


COVID-19: Malaysia to enter full lockdown from Jun 1 to 14


 see more...

Covid-19: Nationwide full lockdown from June 1 to 14 | The Star


Malaysia on total lockdown from June 1 - The Malaysian ...


Letters from Miti for interstate and inter-district travel to expire ...


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