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Friday, March 21, 2025

VOA a biased lens, never ‘an important window’ into China


Illustration: Chen Xia/GT

As Voice of America (VOA) ceases operations due to the US administration cutting its public funding, some Western media outlets have immersed themselves in "lamentations," mourning the loss of an "important window into China" and a "significant source of reporting on China." VOA, a propaganda tool that manufactures lies, is somehow hailed by them as the "voice of freedom," prompting the question: Are those lamenting that the "beacon is flickering and faltering" genuinely mourning the loss of "press freedom," or are they lamenting the loss of a tool to smear China?

VOA's "China reporting manual" has long been notorious. Its narratives are never based on facts but are carefully woven stories designed to align with Western political agendas. In their reports, the economic development in Xinjiang is framed as "suppression of human rights," social stability in Xizang is portrayed as "cultural genocide," and China's defense of sovereignty in the South China Sea is depicted as "expansionism"… What VOA produces has never been a source of "reliable information." It selectively edits and distorts the truth to create a narrative that misleads the public. How can such a media outlet be called an "important window into China"? It is, instead, clearly a "funhouse mirror," severely distorted by political manipulation.

Not only is VOA's lie-manufacturing directed at China, but it also serves as a tool for ideological attacks globally. VOA has a history of creating biases, peddling the image of US' "moral high ground," infiltrating ideologies, and exporting political views. However, the changing landscape of information dissemination is making such operations increasingly difficult to sustain. 

For years, the US relied on creating concepts, packaging academic research, and disseminating fake news, using media, research institutions, and think tanks as accomplices to stir up international discourse. But today, with the rise of social media and the diversification of media outlets across various countries, this "media hegemony" built on financial power is gradually losing its effectiveness. VOA and other "mouthpieces" have been marginalized, which is an inevitable consequence of this trend. VOA's fate has provided a lesson: Concocting biases does not bring real influence and lies can never replace facts.

By no means can Western media outlets like VOA be called "important windows into China." VOA has long viewed China through a lens of prejudice and distortion, fabricating news. How could it have ever opened a "window"? It only forces the world to wear "cognitive sunglasses" clouded by ideological fog. 
Truly understanding China requires dismantling these artificial cognitive barriers. 

As the "China Travel" trend grows, more and more foreign bloggers are sharing images of China's high-speed trains, the safety of streets at night, and the overwhelming array of Chinese cuisine… These unfiltered, authentic scenes are the "ultra-high-definition window" through which the world can see the real China.
For Western media outlets like VOA, which thought they could forever dominate public opinion, their logic is that if reality does not fit their interests, they will distort reality. Unfortunately, prejudice can never replace facts, and fictional stories cannot rewrite history. When people can freely access information, lies will eventually fade away.

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