
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Migratory birds of mass destruction

  Albatross, famous migratory bird, is also a love bird. It is known for being monogamous, forming long-term bond with one partner that is rarely broken. Mated pairs never split up until one bird dies.
The proceedings of the Security Council conference on April 6 are in the public domain and are accessible. See the video below:

The UN Security Council held an extraordinary event on April 6 under the rubric Arria Formula Meeting on Biological Security regarding the biological activities in countries including Ukraine. Predictably, the U.S. and UK representatives didn’t show up at the event and the western media also blacked out the proceedings. But that does not detract from the profound significance of what transpired.

The highlight of the Security Council proceedings lasting over two hours was the disclosure by General Igor Kirillov, chief of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces of the Russian Armed Forces, that Washington is creating biological laboratories in different countries and connecting them to a unified system.

He said the U.S. has spent more than $5 billion on military biological programs since 2005 and detailed that in territories bordering Russia and China alone, about 60 facilities have been modernised during this period. The Ukrainian network of laboratories is designed to conduct research and monitor the biological situation consisting of 30 facilities in 14 populated locations.

Highly sensitive materials from the Ukrainian biological laboratories were exported to the U.S. in early February just before the Russian special operation began, and the rest were ordered to be destroyed lest they fell into Russian hands. But the cover-up was only partially successful. Indeed, Russia is in possession of highly incriminating evidence.

Previously also, Russia had released a number of documents related to the biological military activities of the Pentagon, which pointed toward a worldwide project to set up biological laboratories in rival countries with the goal of developing targeted viral weapons against those countries.

Russia has made specific allegations, pointing finger at:

  • Pentagon funding for the bio-labs in Ukraine;
  • Location of these bio-labs(not only in Ukraine but in 36 countries around the world);
  • Diseases and epidemics on which research work is going on, focusing on the means for their release, the countries where they are being tested (even without the knowledge of the governments of these countries); and, of course,
  • Experiments relating to coronavirus (and bats used to transmit this virus).

However, the U.S. has so far point-blank refused to accept any supervision and verification of such incriminatory evidences and has stonewalled the demand for a verification mechanism. It is unlikely that the U.S. will permit an international verification process that holds the potential to expose it as indulging in crimes against humanity–although there are appropriate frameworks in place including the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) and the UN, to hear the clarifications from the relevant country in a fair and impartial manner.

A mind-boggling “discovery” that Russian forces in Ukraine stumbled upon is the use of numbered birds by the Pentagon-funded labs. This almost falls out of science fiction and Sir Alfred Hitchcock could have made an epic movie out of it where deception mixes with innocence and man’s cruelty to nature becomes unbearably grotesque. The project works like this:

To begin with, the Pentagon accesses the scientific data available with environmental specialists and zoologists after studying the migration of birds and observing them throughout the seasons, relating to the path these birds take each year on their seasonal journey from one country to another and even from one continent to another.

On the basis of this data, groups of migratory birds are caught, digitised and capsules of germs are attached to them that carry a chip to be controlled through computers.They birds are then released to the flock of the migratory birds in those target countries toward which the U.S. intelligence has malevolent intentions.

Of course, these migratory birds travel great distances. The wandering albatross, for instance, is known to migrate at least 8500 km eastward across the South Pacific to the coast of South America, and many shy albatrosses migrate westward across the Indian Ocean to the coast of South Africa.

During the long flight of the birds that have been digitised in the Pentagon bio-labs, their movement is monitored step by step by means of satellites and the exact locations are determined.The idea is that if the Biden Administration (or the CIA) has a requirement to inflict harm on, say, Russia or China (or India for that matter), the chip is destroyed when the bird is in their skies.

Plainly put, kill the bird carrying the epidemic. Sadly, my mind goes back to the novel by the American author Harper Lee To Kill a Mocking Bird, the haunting story of innocence destroyed by evil.

To return to reality, once the “digitised” bird is killed and the capsule of germs it carries is released, the disease spreads in the “X” or “Y” country. It becomes a highly cost-effective method of harming an enemy country without any need of war or coup d’état or colour revolution.

The Russians have made the shocking claim that they are actually in possession of such migratory birds digitised in the Pentagon’s bio-labs.

International law expressly forbids the numbering of migratory birds because they freely criss-cross the blue sky and air of other countries.By supplying them with germs, these birds become weapons of mass destruction. What human ingenuity! But the U.S. enjoys total immunity from international law.

The bottom line is that only the U.S. intelligence—and President Biden, perhaps, if he remembers—would know where all humans have been infected so far in this century by the Birds of Mass Destruction. Was Ebola that devastated Africa a test case and precursor of things to come?

What about COVID-19, which is known to have originated from funded laboratories that were administered by the U.S.? It is very likely that the U.S. might have used migratory birds to kill Chinese citizens. Clearly, the U.S. in its desperation to reverse its global decline is pulling out all the stops to restore its hegemony in a world order that is inexorably moving toward multipolarity.

Monthly Review does not necessarily adhere to all of the views conveyed in articles republished at MR Online. Our goal is to share a variety of left perspectives that we think our readers will find interesting or useful. —Eds. 

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A new kind of terrorism* - Numbered Bird strategy, which Russia accuses America !

For those who want to know what the numbered birds are... and how the United States kills the world without a single shot... I leave the information here:

*Birds of Mass Destruction*

Russia did not expect to discover, as part of its military campaign in Ukraine, numbered birds produced by biological and bacteriological laboratories in Ukraine financed and supervised by the US.

But what are the numbered birds?!

After studying the migration of birds and observing them throughout the seasons, environmental specialists and zoologists will be able to know the path these birds take each year on their seasonal journey, including those that travel from one country to another and even from one continent to others.

Here comes the role of the intelligence services of the parties that carry out a malevolent plan.

A group of these migratory birds are “detained”, digitized and provided with a capsule of germs that carry a chip to be controlled through computers. They are then released again to join migratory birds in countries where damage is planned.

These birds are known to take a route from the Baltic Sea and the Caspian Sea to the African continent and Southeast Asia,

as well as two other flights from Canada to Latin America in spring and autumn.

During its long flight, its movement is monitored step by step by means of satellites and its exact location is determined.

If they want, for example, to harm Syria or Egypt, the chip is destroyed when the bird is in their skies.

Kill the bird that falls carrying the epidemic. Thus, diseases spread in this or that country. In this way, the enemy country is harmed at no military, economic and political cost.

The numbering of migratory birds is considered a crime by international law, because they are birds that penetrate the sky and air of other countries.

If you supply them with germs, then this bird becomes a weapon of mass destruction.

Therefore, in international law, it is considered prohibited to use birds to launch deadly attacks against an opponent.

Anyone who commits such an immoral and inhumane act is punished.

The US does not tremble at any punishment, for no one dares to punish it. But they tremble before the stigma that will accompany their life and their complete exclusion as a credible country, even before their allies.

The Russians have a strong pressure card when they say they captured the birds.

This means that the Americans were caught with their hands in the dough, with all the details contained that prove the decisive condemnation.

This forces us to think about the possibility that all the viruses that have infected humans in this century, especially the last ones, such as the Ebola that affected Africa, anthrax, swine and avian flu, and currently Covid-19, all come from funded laboratories. and administered by the US.

And this is what prompted China to submit an urgent, serious and strict request to carry out an international investigation into the sudden emergence of the coronavirus.

It is very likely that the United States used migratory birds to kill Chinese citizens.

The serious thing is that the US scandals are on the rise.

*See also:* Fox News: Washington has been funding laboratories in Ukraine for the investigation of "lethal pathogens" since at least 14 years

 The original can be found at birds-of-destruction-massive/ 


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivered a speech at the International Press Conference

1. This morning! Serious warning to the United States: China's nuclear weapons are created NOT for you to see! It's not that we're afraid of things, it's just that you're not qualified to see!

2. Wang Yi's answer: The virus is the common enemy of all mankind, it may appear at any time and any place, and China, like other countries, has been attacked by the new crown virus, and is a victim, not a perpetrator, let alone an "accomplice" of the virus. At that time, the H1N1 flu was first diagnosed in the United States and broke out in a large area, spreading to 214 countries and regions, resulting in nearly 200,000 deaths. In the 1980s, AIDS was first discovered in the United States and spread rapidly to the whole world, causing suffering to many people and families, and who sought compensation from the United States? In 2008, the financial turmoil that occurred in the United States, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, and eventually evolved into a global financial crisis, who demanded compensation from the United States? The United States must be clear that their enemy is the virus, not China.

3. Wang Yi went on to say: If Biden and Blinken and the like are not guilty of Senile rhapsody, then they should know that China is not the China that was trampled by the "Eight-Power Coalition", and China is not Iraq, not Venezuela, not Syria, not when you want to come, you can check it if you want. China is not afraid of things, but you are not qualified, you are not qualified! At the beginning of the epidemic, we took the initiative to invite WHO and Chinese experts to conduct joint inspections in the affected areas, and put forward preliminary inspection results on related issues such as the outbreak and spread of the new crown virus. The investigation request put forward by Trump is purely unreasonable and a manifestation of hegemonism. They have placed the United States above international organizations and over all of humanity, as if only they themselves are credible. But is the United States really credible? Iraq and Venezuela are the lessons of the past.

4, we have to warn Biden, if you want to play China's calculations, it is best to think about it and then say it. Because 1.4 billion people will not agree, China's 2 million troops are not decorations, but China's Great Wall of Steel. China's Dongfeng missiles are not used to hit rakes, but to hit dogs and jackals. China's nuclear submarines are not used to travel under the sea, but to combat uninvited guests. China's nuclear weapons are not used to scare anyone, but to defend themselves, and whoever wants to taste it, you tell me.

5. We want to warn Biden that if we want China to compensate, it will start from the time when the Eight-Power Alliance invaded China, until wang Yi just proposed these cases together. You first compensate the old historical accounts of China and the world.

6, now China is in a very good position in the world, the first to control the new crown pneumonia, the first to enter the stage of economic recovery, and now it is to increase the horsepower to export anti-epidemic materials to the world, China's time to catch up with the United States in the total economic volume is also greatly advanced, which is unacceptable to Biden, the United States has been dragged into the quagmire by Biden, this time Biden wants to make China, let the world be unhappy. The heart of harming people must not be there, the heart of preventing Biden must not be without, and the wicked have their own harvest!

I hope that every Chinese will be able to pass this article out and make our China stronger and stronger, supporting all patriotic groups.

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