
Monday, March 21, 2022

Check electrical devices, and avert a tragedy

 Carry out regular maintenance on electrical devices

Safety checks on electrical devices should be conducted frequently and faulty devices replaced promptly to avoid electrocution, say electrical experts.
This following a recent tragedy on March 10, where a couple were found electrocuted upon using an instant water heater in the bathroom of their flat at Taman Puncak Tringkap, Brinchang, Pahang.
The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia (TEEAM) advised people at home to use safety-certified electrical equipment and conduct frequent testing of the unit’s residual current circuit breaker (RCCB) or Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) to avoid such incidents.
“RCCB is a device that senses electricity and disconnects any high voltage or unbalanced current circuit whenever a fault occurs. “This protects humans from shocks and prevents death caused by shocks,” said TEEAM’s president Siew Choon Thye.
He said it is best for people to conduct these safety checks using rubber slippers or boots for safety.
Siew said that faulty or defective RCCBs in the distribution board have been identified as among the causes of electrocution involving water heaters in homes in Malaysia.
“The sensitivity of the RCCB used for electric water heaters should be rated 10mA to prevent electrocution,” he said, adding that electrical products should be certified by SIRIM and approved by the Energy Commission for safety and household use.
He said electrical works and replacements of RCCBs must only be carried out by competent electricians, wiremen, and chargemen who are registered with the Energy Commission of Malaysia.
“Should a person face an incident where a family member is electrocuted, the safest way is to immediately switch off the main power supply at their home and call the emergency number 999,” he said.
Siew added that people purchasing electrical products online should also be cautious as there are a number of fake products sold, as well as those without SIRIM certification.
“Verification of certified products and competent electricians can be done via our website or through the Energy Commission’s portal at,” he said.
Following repeated cases of water heater electrocutions in the country, Siew said TEEAM planned to restart its RCCB self-test campaign in the near future to give people more awareness on the issue.
Electrician Mohamad Arif Mohamed Kasim, 28, recently noted on his Twitter account (@arepkasim) that people should check their water heaters by pressing the Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) test button.
“Electrocution happens when the ELCB has malfunctioned and does not cut the electricity when there is a leak,” he said.
The PW4 Wireman noted the warm water which comes out directly from the shower is heated in a copper tube within the water heater.“Water and copper are both electrical conductors so when a current leakage occurs, electrocution can happen,” he said.
He said people should check the ELCB on the main fuse of their home every month or fortnightly to ensure the safety device is working.
He added such checks can identify any malfunction. Faulty devices, too, should be immediately replaced to avoid electrical cables from overheating or catching fire.
Twitter user Bovver (@bluehippo__), advised people against using water outlets or external connections on water heaters that are made of metal as there is a risk of electrocution or death when a current leak occurs.
Others like @KaffeeUndMilch_ warned that people should also be cautious of electrical current from home aquariums as it can also be a cause of electrocution with faulty electrical devices. 

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