
Thursday, July 29, 2021

US must see its own human rights issues ! 

 China should use sustained development & strength building to overwhelm US' will to contain China 

The US cannot overwhelm China. China should use sustained development and strength building to overwhelm the US' will to contain China. This is the determination of the Chinese people.

It's a consensus that China have sufficient power to restrain US' extreme impulses towards China

  The rapid deterioration of Sino-US relations and US' all-out pressure on China as its No. 1 strategic adversary has triggered a sense of urgency among many Chinese to accelerate efforts to improve our nuclear deterrence.

TIANJIN: Foreign Ministry Vice-Minister Xie Feng has said the China-US relationship is in a stalemate, “faces serious difficulties”, and the fundamental reason behind this is because some Americans portray China as an “imagined enemy”.

Xie, vice-minister in charge of US affairs, made the remarks during talks with visiting US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman here yesterday.

He noted the “Pearl Harbor moment” and “Sputnik moment” have been brought up by some Americans when talking about conflict with China and challenges facing the United States.

Some international scholars, including some US academics, perceive this as comparing China to Japan in World War II and the Soviet Union in the Cold War, he said.

By making China an “imagined enemy”, he added, a national sense of purpose could be reignited in the US, and their hope may be that by demonising China, the US could shift domestic public discontent over political, economic and social issues.

“A whole-of-government and whole-of-society campaign is being waged to bring China down”, Xie said, adding the belief appears to be when China’s development is contained, all US domestic and external challenges would go away, and the US would “become great” again and the so-called Pax Americana would continue.

He criticised the US for manufacturing issues with China, noting that the US side appears to have nothing else to talk about.

“We urge the United States to change its highly misguided mindset and dangerous policy,” he said.

The US is in no position to lecture China on democracy and human rights, said Xie, urging the US to address its own human rights issues first.

Xie pointed out that historically, the US had engaged in genocide against Native Americans. Presently, the US has lost 620,000 lives because of its halting response to Covid-19. Internationally, the frequent US military action and the wars caused by US lies have brought undue catastrophe to the world.

“How can the United States portray itself as the world’s spokesperson for democracy and human rights?” Xie asked.

Xie said the US side was in no position to lecture China on democracy and human rights.

“Without the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, an effective political system and a development path suited to China’s circumstances, how could it be possible for the Chinese people to ever generate such immense creativity and productivity if people on the streets in China were all denied democracy, freedoms and human rights?

“Without those, how could a super-sized country like China with over a billion people ever achieve the twin miracles of rapid economic growth and sustained social stability?” Xie said. — China Daily/ANN

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