
Wednesday, June 2, 2021

How to overcome stress and anxiety

THESE are difficult times and thus, stress levels are on the rise

If you’re suffering from tension, headaches, feelings of depression and other effects of too much strain, think about how you can help yourself.

Firstly, everyone is different so the things that you find stressful may not be stressful to others. For example, approaching strangers and asking them to sign up for something may be a horror for you, but it gets a natural salesperson smiling with anticipation.

Bottom line: stress is intensely personal. Figure out what factors hit you hardest. Now you know where to start.

Secondly, stress is something imposed on you that you just have to accept.

A lot of the time, you can anticipate and plan to manage the events that make you uptight.

For example, if you know that Tuesdays are stressful because it’s the day when you have a one-on-one with a tough client, make sure that you schedule something afterwards that will help you blow off steam – like a run or a coffee with a cherished friend.

Thirdly, just like stress is highly individual, so are methods for managing it.

Classic methods include physical exercise, breathing, meditation and eating properly.

However, if you’re doing these and they are not working for you, explore ways that work for you. Maybe you distress from painting, cooking or composting haiku.

If you need ideas, just think back to the last time you were feeling serene.

Finally, it’s not a sign of strength to ignore stress.

Studies show that long-term stress will affect your health and can lead to problems such as insomnia, upset stomachs, rashes and high blood pressure.

So don’t ignore those little niggles. Instead listen to your body and take early action. 

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