
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Core Exercises for Stroke Patients to Improve Balance and Walking (Gait) 

Seated Core Exercises

13.9K subscribers

The best way to improve balance after stroke is with core exercises. You can also download 13 pages of free rehab exercises here:

These core exercises for stroke patients are guided by Cassi, DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy).

Cassi's core exercises are relatively easy and will help you improve your balance and gait (manner of walking).

To get more information on stroke recovery, download our FREE ebook here:

Best Hand Exercises for Stroke Patients at Home 

These hand exercises for stroke patients are guided by Barbara, OTA. You can also download 13 pages of free rehab exercises here:

Best Stroke Recovery Hand Exercises - Stage 1 

Dr. Scott Thompson shares the best stroke recovery hand exercises. Use these hand exercises and hand therapy tools to advance your stroke recovery. 

Full Body Rehab Exercise Guides

Thanks for signing up for our free stroke rehab exercises. To download the PDF exercise guides ebook, click the button below:

Download My Free Rehab Exercise Ebook!

We hope you get good use from the ebook!

Now let's back up a bit... Who is the company behind the stroke recovery blog and ebook?

Hello there!

We are so happy to have you here. We are Flint Rehab, and we're pretty passionate about stroke rehabilitation.

And we're even more passionate about helping stroke survivors just like you achieve a higher recovery.

Because we believe that...

  • ...You can defy the odds and achieve a higher recovery - if you believe in yourself.
  • ...Stroke education is of the utmost importance because it can help you achieve that higher recovery. 
  • ...Emotional healing is just as important as physical healing, so we always talk about both.
  • ...Regaining movement after stroke does not have to be boring.

That's why we pour so much energy into both maintaining an extensive stroke education blog and creating fun, effective rehabilitation devices.

What to Expect from Us

To help boost your stroke education, we send a newsletter every Monday that contains brand new stroke recovery articles.

Two of them are usually brand spankin' new, and the other 3 are goodies pulled from the archives.

Since our archives contain 300+ stroke recovery articles, our Monday newsletter is the best way to stay on top of our best stuff.

Do you think we're a good match?

If so, we'll help catch you up to speed by sending you a quick lesson on the best way to massively improve movement after stroke.

If you aren't interested, we understand. You can opt out here or at the bottom of any email at any time. No hard feelings!

For those who stick around, we're really happy to have you here!

Your resource for recovery,
​The team at Flint Rehab

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