
Monday, September 7, 2020

The dark reality: education, teachers, children, helicopter parents, Covid-19, unjust lawsuits,society, media, 如所解释的,不要抱怨杀死你的老公 ...


The videos below show a teacher telling a student that he failed because he wrote the incorrect answer – that 2 + 2 equals 4, not 22. In his frustration, he throws a tantrum in the classroom. When the parents are called in to discuss the situation, they also throw a tantrum, claiming there is more than one answer to any question.....

Coronavirus: Covid-19


Covid 19 Origin #0 patient

Grandma Goes Off on Trump



Related  Family matters:




Mrs. LKY: “The Dragon Lady” – Singapore Politics: Blog


Mrs Najib: Rosmah Mansor Draws flak » rosmah

Related posts: As readers will recall from the earlier article (above), Japanese and Taiwanese epidemiologists and pharma... FORCED TO SHUT DOWN WHEN VIRUSES LEAKED AUGUST 2019    US SOLDIERS WERE INFECTED 300 HUNDRED CAM

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