
Thursday, July 31, 2014

China probes Microsoft monopoly

BEIJING: China’s State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) has launched an investigation into US software giant Microsoft’s Windows operating system, a day after officials showed up unannounced at several Microsoft’s offices in China.

Microsoft Corp faces China anti-monopoly probe

The anti-monopoly regulator had sent some 100 inspectors to Microsoft’s offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu on Monday and had obtained internal documents and seized two computers. “The regulator is also investigating a Microsoft vice president and senior managers and have made copies of the firm’s financial statements and contracts,” it said in a statement on its website.

The SAIC said it has also seized documents, e-mails and other data from Microsoft’s computers and servers. The probe could not be completed as some of the key personnel of Microsoft were not in China or unable to be contacted, it said. Xinhua news agency reported in June last year, the SAIC had investigated complaints from enterprises that Microsoft had used tie-in sales and verification codes in its Windows operating system and Microsoft Office application, causing software incompatibility issues.

It said Microsoft has agreed to cooperate with the government on the investigation.

In November last year, China’s economic planner and watchdog, the National Development and Reform Commission had launched a probe into Qualcomm Inc, the California-based world’s largest mobile chipmaker, to determine whether it has abused dominant market position. — Bernama


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