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Friday, October 21, 2022

How to win in the workplace


EMPLOYEES today are more aware of their options and are in a better position to decide on roles that align with their interests, values, and priorities.

Our 2022/23 Malaysia Salary & Employment Outlook notes that younger employees tend to prioritise career progression opportunities and a healthy work-life balance compared to employees from other age groups.

Therefore, in the post-pandemic world of work, it is important for employers to engage with employees to address challenges and shape solutions together. It is a process that needs to be carried out effectively and continuously.

With the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), among other technological developments, new opportunities and challenges have arisen. One primary example is the high demand across key economic sectors for talents skilled in digital fields.

With the prevalence of all things digital, accelerated further during the movement control order, contactless payments such as e-wallets and mobile banking have seen a spike in consumer adoption. In tandem with this demand, the Malaysian government has introduced multiple initiatives to drive the fintech boom and encourage more Malaysians to hop onto the growing digital economy.

As the industry continues to transform, the roles and requisite skills will evolve in tandem. Taking this into consideration, employers must look beyond hiring simply to fill roles. Instead, they must invest in upskilling programmes to ensure talents are available to take on the evolving responsibilities at every level of the organisation. Individuals with cross-functional skillsets across finance and tech will be in especially high demand.

Specialised roles, such as product development, product management life cycle, and data analysts, are some of the hot jobs to look out for. In the post-pandemic business world, many organisations have since undertaken their own digital transformation, leading to rising demand for skilled IT talents.

On the flip side, this creates a highly competitive job market as organisations are expected to adopt a more aggressive approach in hiring the best talents. This means employers who have an existing IT talent pool would also need to step up their retention strategies to avoid losing their talents.

Fierce competition within the industry also serves as a reminder for the workforce to regularly reskill and upskill themselves to stay relevant. In 2020, with the onset of the pandemic, e-commerce experienced a boom when Malaysians, young and old, became regular online shoppers due to the movement restriction orders.

Today, prospects remain strong for careers in the supply chain field as online shopping habits have become part of the new normal.

As the economy strengthens, businesses will need to re-evaluate their strategy and remain on top of supply chain trends to fulfil customer satisfaction while staying profitable. Therefore, there is a growing demand for both white and blue collar workers who have the skills to meet the physical and technological demands of today’s supply chain and logistics careers.

In the post-pandemic world of work, industries have transformed, roles have evolved, and expectations have changed. With this, organisations that engage employees in shaping solutions and addressing challenges will continue to thrive.

The employment market has shown a strong rebound since the country began its transition into the endemic phase of Covid-19. As our economy recovers against new global challenges, ensuring the resilience of the workforce is the way to go if businesses are to thrive.

To win in the marketplace, employers must first ensure they win in the workplace.

BRIAN SIM Country head and managing director PERSOLKELLY Malaysia 

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Eggs are healthier than you think

Eggs aren’t just filled with cholesterol. They have other important vitamins like vitamin A, which is good for the eyes, the immune system and the skin.

COOKED, fried, poached: All tasty ways to cook yourself an egg for breakfast. And yet, eggs don’t have the best reputation when it comes to health.

They’re often considered something of a cholesterol bomb, to be eaten in moderation.

But experts say that’s only partially true. One egg does contain a fair amount of cholesterol – some 400mg on average.

However, not all of that stays in the body. Two-thirds of cholesterol in the bloodstream is actually produced by the body.

Still, nutritionists recommend keeping an eye on how many eggs you eat.

The suggested intake is up to three eggs per week. That includes eggs found in other foods such as bread, cake, pasta, sauces or mayonnaise.

Anyone who has high cholesterol levels or cardiovascular disorders should preferably stick to eating a maximum of three eggs a week.

Healthy and fit individuals can get away with eating one to two eggs per day assuming that they do plenty of exercises and balance it with lots of fruit and vegetables.

Eggs aren’t just filled with cholesterol. They have other important vitamins like vitamin A, which is good for the eyes, the immune system and the skin.

Added to that is the protein-heavy egg white depended on by many athletes.

Eggs also contain lecithin, which is good for the nervous system. That’s what makes them a good bet for the elderly.

Not to mention that egg-based dishes can be easier to chew than other protein-rich foods.

Whether young or old, the question of whether eggs are healthy for you also depends on how they are prepared.

A fried egg cooked in fat and served with bacon will, of course, drive up cholesterol levels in your blood.

One more piece of advice: Make sure eggs are cooked through.

That allows you to kill off salmonella or other possible diseases. If you want to use eggs raw, make sure they’re fresh.— dpa 




Why eggs are much healthier than you think.

 Are Eggs as Healthy As You Think? Read What the Experts Say

Eggs: Health benefits, nutrition, and more - Medical News Today

 The truth about eating eggs - BBC Future

 Are eggs good for you or not? - American Heart Association

 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Eggs - Australian Eggs


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How to confront bigots on social media — and win


MY journey to becoming an online presence is nothing short of accidental. After getting fired from my job at a well-known sports conglomerate, I felt more lost than ever. That’s when Tiktok came into my life and my online persona was born. 


 Within Tiktok, there are some influencers who have built entire communities around misogyny and sexism, says the writer. – AFP

Today I have nearly eight million followers on Tiktok. My large following has allowed me to become a full-time content creator. However, my niche is not popular among influencers. And that’s because my niche is roasting misogynistic men on social media.

Within Tiktok, there are influencers who have built entire communities around misogyny and sexism. These communities are centred on the degradation of women and minority groups. These videos cover many topics: women being unworthy if they’ve had multiple sexual partners, if they’re fat, if they don’t work to keep their man, if they don’t accept jokes about domestic abuse. Some straight up promote sexual assault against women.

Existing in the social media space can be exhausting, whether you’re a consumer or a creator. But when I realised how much vitriol existed on this platform, I was drawn to it. I could not believe that men like this not only existed in the same world I did, but felt so confident spewing their hatred of women. The audacity shocked me, but simultaneously lit something within me.

The fire that drove me to fight on Tiktok was akin to what I felt defending my sister from being bullied in school. Or for my friends when they were sexually harassed in college. The rage I felt was all too familiar and I was determined to act on it. That’s what inspired my first video. It wasn’t just taking on these terrible bigoted men, but rather the reality that women are subjected to violence in many different forms, everywhere, every day.

The violence and abuse that misogyny and patriarchy have inflicted on so many different marginalised groups are what unite my community of followers. Conversely, the hatred projected onto me by these kinds of bigots – primarily cisgender heterosexual white men – is also what unites them.

I’m often asked in the Tiktok comments, “Why don’t you try educating them?” Or “How are you going to respond to hate, with more hate?” Well, to that I say, because it works. Realistically, there’s nothing I could say to an outright bigot that would help them see the humanity in people who do not have the same life experiences as they do. But that isn’t my goal. My goal is to get them to be quiet and to delete their presence from social media. There is never an apology, a retraction or a change of heart – only silence. I aim to silence them, like they have silenced us for thousands of years.

Far too often, marginalised people are held to an impossibly high standard, in the real world and on social media. No matter how deep the offense, no matter how harmwe ful the rhetoric, are conexpected stantly to take the high road. These offendentitled ers are to a mature and educational response to their abuse, but marginalised folks aren’t entitled to simexist ply without critique.

Any power or strength we draw from standing up for ourof selves is stripped us the minute a bigot attacks, unprovoked – especially if it is all under the guise of a “joke.” Not surprisingly, these men are not fond of the treatment they feel so comfortable weaponising against others. It’s funny to see how quickly they develop empathy for their fellow misogynists when they see them getting treated the way they treat others.

The only fear I have when it comes to my platform is that I may never be out of a job. It feels as though I’m standing in a boat with holes, and no matter how often I scoop water out, more pours in. Making this kind of content is arduous, emotionally taxing and downright terrifying at times.

But when it seems like it’s too much to bear, I think about the stories I’ve heard from people who follow me. I think about the woman in Mexico who told me she wore a bathing suit for the first time because my content gave her the courage to. I think about the trans woman who told me my battles against bigots have kept her on this Earth longer than she planned to be.

I desperately hold on to accounts like this, when I feel I can’t keep doing this. Because it’s not about me, it’s about them. 

  • By DREW AFUALO Drew Afualo is a Tiktok content creator.
  • – Los Angeles Times/tns
  •   Source link

Saturday, October 15, 2022

New march begins – How will CPC lead China to next centenary goal ?

Strong leadership core to provide ‘certainty, cohesion and strength’ in new journey A huge artificial flower basket decorates Tian'anmen Square during 2022 National Day holidays. Photo: VCG

Editor's Note:

The Communist Party of China (CPC) will convene its 20th National Congress on October 16 to bring China's development to the next stage. This congress is being held after China has accomplished its first centenary goal of building xiaokang - a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2021 - and to start the second centenary goal of building a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious by 2049.

From the founding of the CPC in 1921, the Chinese people took more than two decades to throw off oppression as a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society and found the People's Republic of China in 1949. After the launch of reform and opening-up in 1978 and through the continuous efforts of the Chinese people, China experienced the transformation from a huge, poor and backward country in the East into a thriving socialist China.

Today, after having lauded the great achievements that China has made in the past 100 years, the international community is paying close attention to how it will create a new miracle in a more complicated international environment. It is also necessary to review how the CPC has led the Chinese people to accomplish the first goal, as history always carries the secrets of future success. 

This is the second installment of the Global Times' special coverage of the special event. Here is
the first installment.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which will convene in Beijing on Sunday, marks the start of a new journey for China's development and its role in international affairs, and the event takes place at a time when the world is experiencing profound changes not seen in a century. For people around the globe observing the historically significant political event, how China, under the strong leadership of the CPC, overcomes challenges to the country's development and contributes certainty to a world in turbulence has become a key interest.

In 2021, the CPC accomplished the First Centenary Goal for China - building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, or xiaokang in Chinese. The 20th CPC National Congress will be held at a historic juncture as the Party and the country continue marching forward to the Second Centenary Goal based on the achievements and experience gained from its past journey.

The Second Centenary Goal, set by the CPC at its 18th National Congress and further defined by the CPC at its 19th National Congress in October 2017, seeks "to develop China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful by the middle of the 21st century."

Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, said in 2017 that following the realization of a moderately prosperous society, the whole Party and people of various ethnic groups across the country would be motivated to build a modernized socialist country by 2049, the centenary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Since China's extraordinary achievements over the past 10 years have been widely acknowledged to have raised living standards at home and bolstered global development, the world is paying close attention to what more China can do for itself and the world in the next phase, especially as the world suffers from challenges including the COVID-19 pandemic, energy and food crises caused by the geopolitical turbulence in Ukraine, and the Western sanctions against Russia, as well as the intensifying tension between the two biggest world economies caused by Washington's hostility against China's peaceful development.
Lujiazui, a financial zone in Shanghai Photo: VCG

Lujiazui, a financial zone in Shanghai Photo: VCG

Changes and challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic has already taken more than 6 million lives worldwide in the past three years, bringing an unprecedentedly severe impact to humanity. A World Bank report said in 2020 that the pandemic caused the worst global economic recession "since World War II," and as central banks across the world simultaneously hike interest rates in response to inflation, the situation in 2023 could be even worse, and a string of financial crises in emerging market and developing economies will do them lasting harm, according to the World Bank on September 15.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict that started early this year also adds a new challenge to the severe situation. Observers around the globe believe that the conflict is profoundly changing the international political order, and the ensuing unilateral Western-launched sanctions led by the US have also caused huge damage to the international trade system and global supply chains. Many major EU members are now suffering from high energy prices, inflation, and strikes, while many developing countries are facing a serious food crisis.

Xu Bu, president of the China Institute of International Studies and secretary-general of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy Studies Center, told the Global Times that "at present, the pandemic still exists, the international security situation is in turbulence, global economic recovery is fragile, and many crises are taking place. The world is entering a period of profound and complex change, and the journey to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has encountered new challenges."

In such a complicated and challenging period, cooperation between major powers has failed to emerge, but bloc-to-bloc confrontation and a zero-sum mentality are deeply affecting international relations, making the challenges more severe, analysts said.

Shen Yi, a professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University, told the Global Times that China has already developed to what it looks like today, and if it continues its growth and development, the international power comparison will surely change. 

"The US and some of its Western followers who still dominate the current international system have already launched comprehensive suppression against China. This is the biggest risk and challenge that we are facing right now," Shen said.

US China Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

US China Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

Xu echoed the view that the top external challenge for China is the interruption to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation caused by hegemony and power politics, and the US hegemonic and unilateral strategy is not only threatening China, but also the world.   

The US has unilaterally sanctioned about 20 countries and regions worldwide. These sanctions are not only against governments, but have also been imposed against individuals and nongovernmental sectors like companies and academic institutes such as universities, with human rights observers and experts raising concerns that the US and other Western-launched unilateral coercive measures constitute "one of the most serious challenges to solidarity, universality, development and human rights protection."

The US is seeking "decoupling" from China in many aspects to serve its major power competition strategy, including imposing additional tariffs against Chinese goods and launching export controls of chips to contain China's sci-tech development, and has also launched cyberattacks against Chinese institutes such as universities. The US also repeatedly provokes and challenges China's sovereignty and core interests on sensitive matters including the Taiwan question, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong region, putting the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region in danger, said experts.

In Europe, the US continues to fan the flames of the Ukraine crisis which was fundamentally caused by US-led NATO expansion, and the continent is now experiencing its most dangerous situation since the Cold War, and with the unilateral anti-Russia sanctions dominated by the US, global supply chains have been seriously damaged and many countries have suffered from rarely seen high inflation, Xu said.  

Facing such an unprecedented, complicated external situation, the CPC still needs to make sure that the Second Centenary Goal it promised to the people of China can be accomplished, and analysts say this requires the CPC to have very high capability in both internal governance and in handing external affairs.

Wang Yiwei, director of the Institute of International Affairs at the Renmin University of China, told the Global Times that "in the previous era from the end of the Cold War to the early 2000s, the world was generally stable, and major powers still had some consensus on development and security. China was following the trend of globalization, but now, the situation has changed, and the Western-dominated globalization sees many problems and potential risks."

"It's time for China to actively guide the direction of the reform and improvement of globalization," Wang noted.

"The world is expecting China, a responsible major power with strength and wisdom, to provide solutions to the problems troubling the globe. China won't dominate the world order like a hegemon, but it can contribute certainty and stability to balance out the damage caused by the chaos and turbulence worldwide, because China is approaching the center of the international arena," said Zhang Shuhua, director of the Institute of Political Sciences of the hinese Academy of Social Sciences.

The upcoming 20th CPC National Congress will provide the Party's answer to questions from not only the Chinese people, but also the world about China's future.

The seventh plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee that ended on October 12 has analyzed the current situation and tasks, and hosted in-depth discussions on major issues including upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics on the new journey in the new era, and building a modern socialist country in all respects. It has made full reparations for the upcoming 20th CPC National Congress, according to the communiqué of the plenary session. 

People visit an exhibition about China's victory over poverty at the National Museum of China on April 8, 2021. Photos: IC

People visit an exhibition about China's victory over poverty at the National Museum of China on April 8, 2021. Photos: IC

Promises and tasks

On its new journey toward the Second Centenary Goal, the CPC has made a clear and encouraging plan to reach such a great goal stage by stage. 

In his report delivered at the 19th CPC National Congress in 2017, President Xi said, "Based on a comprehensive analysis of the international and domestic environments and the conditions for China's development, we have drawn up a two-stage development plan for the period from 2020 to the middle of this century."

"In the first stage from 2020 to 2035, we will build on the foundation created by the moderately prosperous society with a further 15 years of hard work to see that socialist modernization is basically realized," and "In the second stage from 2035 to the middle of the 21st century, we will, building on having basically achieved modernization, work hard for a further 15 years and develop China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful," Xi said.

Shen said the upcoming 20th CPC National Congress will have a clear systematic arrangement for the core leadership of the Party, and this will guarantee stability, certainty and consistency for the next stage.

President Xi said in November 2020 that "China's economy has the hope and potential to maintain long-term stable development."

Residents in Shenzhen, South China's Guangdong Province, enjoy the sunrise in the Shenzhen Bay Park on October 1, 2022. Photo: VCG

Residents in Shenzhen, South China's Guangdong Province, enjoy the sunrise in the Shenzhen Bay Park on October 1, 2022.  Photo: VCG

It is "completely possible" for China to meet the current standards for high-income countries by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period and to double the total economic volume or per capita income by 2035, Xi said.

Zhu Guangyao, former Chinese vice minister of finance, told Xinhua that this means the per capita GDP in 2035 would at least have doubled the volume in 2019 and reach $20,000.

Wang said that in order to accomplish such a task, China will no longer maintain the old development model and will require a new one driven by innovation with a greater global vision. "China's reform will promote the reform of the world, and China's high-quality development will boost the high-quality development alongside the routes of the Belt and Road, and will also guide the new rules-making for the future globalization and regional integration. This is a challenge we will face but also a mission that we must accomplish in the next stage."

Shen echoed that the new development model will be "green and sustainable," and after realizing the economic growth, the Party needs to make the growth transfer to the concrete wellbeing and livelihood improvement, so it requires a more advanced distribution system, which makes the distribution process and result fairer and more rightful.

In the field of science and technology, China needs to tackle its weaknesses and utilize its advantages to effectively overcome the problem of being suppressed by hegemonic sanctions in specific high-tech areas, Shen said.

According to the report of the 19th CPC National Congress, by the end of the first stage from 2020 to 2035, "China's economic and technological strength will have increased significantly, making China a global leader in innovation."

The biggest challenge to such a goal, domestically, is the contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development, which requires more decisive reforms; externally, it's the suppression and containment strategy launched by the US, and China needs to find more effective solutions in the next stage, analysts said. 

The national reunification would also be a mission that must be accomplished. According to the report of the 19th CPC National Congress, "achieving China's full reunification is essential to realizing national rejuvenation." 

There is no timetable or deadline so far to clearly state when the Taiwan question will be solved, but Shen said that after the 20th CPC National Congress, the roadmap for China to solve this question will be much clearer and distinct, because this question won't last forever, and "the question won't be left to the next generation, as it's likely to be solved in this generation." 

In order to accomplish these missions, the Party and the country need a loyal, powerful and modernized military force with undoubtable combat capability that's able to deter and defeat all kinds of enemies and external threats, and to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. In other words, it provides strategic support to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, experts said. 

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) will celebrate its centenary in 2027, and by that time, the Chinese military force will see significant improvement, and experts believe that in the upcoming 20th CPC National Congress, the Party will further define the tasks and missions for the military in the next stage. 

Source of strength 

From economic growth to sci-tech development and military modernization, as well as reform on governance system, there is no easy task and all of them require efforts, wisdom and courage, especially under the impact of the pandemic and in a world with profound change and serious turbulence. Apart from China, there is hardly any other major power able to set such an ambitious goal. 

Why is China so confident? Analysts said the most fundamental reason is that China has the leadership of the CPC, and the CPC has a strong core of leadership, and this is also the reason why China has achieved extraordinary goals in the past 10 years and also the past century.

Having a strong core leadership has always been the Party's key advantage that has helped it overcome serious challenges, such as finishing the Long March in the 1930s and winning the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in the 1950s. It's also a key strength that allowed the Party to achieve historic goals such as the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and kicking off the reform and opening-up in 1978, analysts said.

Strong cores of leadership like Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping have guaranteed the Party's survival and victories again and again, and in the new era and the new journey amid the world with profound change unseen in a century, such rich experience and tradition will surely be inherited, experts said.

A visitor looks at statues of earlier generations of revolutionaries at the site of the First National Congress of the CPC in Shanghai on Thursday when restoration at the site finished and it is reopened to the public as a museum. Photo: Yang Hui/GT

A visitor looks at statues of earlier generations of revolutionaries at the site of the First National Congress of the CPC in Shanghai on Thursday when restoration at the site finished and it is reopened to the public as a museum. Photo: Yang Hui/GT

Shen said a strong core of leadership with high certainty is a great comparative advantage for the CPC and China, which allows China to maintain consistency and stability on its strategy and policy-making.

Chinese analysts said that with General Secretary Xi at the core of the CPC Central Committee and the whole Party, the CPC has proved that it is able to handle serious challenges and achieve historic goals.

Without such a strong core of leadership to continually lead the whole Party and the country, China might not have been able to successfully control the COVID-19 epidemic and prevent its huge impact on the economy and people's lives like what happened in many Western countries, especially the US which so far has recorded more than 1 million COVID deaths, and China might not have been able to handle the trade war launched by the US in 2018 and retaliate US' provocations in the South China Sea and on the Taiwan question, and also might not even have been able to successfully restore peace and order in Hong Kong after the 2019 turmoil, analysts said. 

For a great nation with a huge population and territory like China, many policies will need years or even decades to show effects, so it's essential to maintain stable leadership, so that the country will have a more long-term and consistent policymaking strategy, and many goals that require long-term efforts can also be realized, Shen noted. 

In comparison with the US, China's political system with one ruling party that has a strong and consistent leadership is definitely better than the two-party system that frequently changes leadership with great uncertainty, Shen said.

The upcoming 20th CPC National Congress will elect a new CPC Central Committee and a new CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, according to Xinhua. 

The congress will be an event with historic significance in the new journey that the Party and all Chinese people will take marching toward the Second Centenary Goal, and the leadership of the CPC is the biggest advantage of the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Xu said. 

Xu stressed that "the congress will make scientific arrangements and plans for the Party and the country's development in the next five years and even a longer period and for the future of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."
The rising way - How did CPC lead China from poverty to ... The Communist Party of China (CPC) will convene its 20th National Congress on October 16 to bring China's development to . Source link

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Friday, October 14, 2022

Chipmaker rout engulfs TSMC, Samsung with US$240 bil wiped out after US imposed curbs on China's access to semiconductor technology



TOKYO (Oct 11): Chip-related stocks in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan slumped, contributing to a wipeout of more than US$240 billion (RM1.12 trillion) from the sector's global market value after the Biden administration imposed curbs on China's access to semiconductor technology.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd (TSMC), the world's largest contract chipmaker, plunged a record 8.3% on Tuesday. Samsung Electronics Co and Tokyo Electron Ltd also tumbled on concerns over US efforts to ensure international cooperation will crimp their ability to export to China.

The sell-off spread to currency markets. South Korea's won slumped more than 1.6% versus the greenback while the Taiwan dollar dropped 0.7% amid losses in their stock markets.

"We believe short-term uncertainties over foundry demand will increase, as China is the world's second-largest cloud computing market," Phelix Lee, an equity analyst at Morningstar Inc, wrote in a note. "The new shock may further dampen sentiment in a sector that is already ravaged by weak consumer electronics demand."

The curbs are expected to have far-reaching implications. For companies with plants in China — including non-US ones — the rules will create additional hurdles and require government sign-off. The move is also set to fuel a knock-on impact across the sector's supply chain and add to a growing list of challenges for technology shares including a hawkish Federal Reserve and tensions across the Taiwan Strait.

The US announced the export curbs on Friday, and there have been suggestions that similar actions may be deployed in other countries to ensure international cooperation. The announcement spurred a two-day rout of over 9% in the Philadelphia Stock Exchange Semiconductor Index that saw it close on Monday at its lowest level since November 2020. Markets in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan were shut that day for holidays.

Samsung lost as much as 3.9%, the most in a year. South Korea's SK Hynix Inc, one of the world's largest makers of memory chips that has facilities in China — is part of a supply network that sends components around the world. Its shares slid 3.5% before paring losses.

The current rout has already wiped out more than US$240 billion from chip stocks worldwide since Thursday's close, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

The curbs were a "big setback to China" and "bad news" for global semiconductors, Nomura Holdings Inc analyst David Wong wrote in a note on Monday. China's localisation efforts might also be "at risk as it may not be able to use advanced foundries in Taiwan and Korea", he wrote.

Shares of Chinese chipmakers extended their recent losses on Tuesday, with Morgan Stanley saying that the broader restrictions around supercomputers and multinational capital investment in China could be "disruptive".

Chinese state media and officials have responded to Biden's move in recent days, warning of economic consequences and stirring speculation about potential retaliation.

"The latest US move would prompt China to move faster in fostering the domestic chip industry," said Omdia analyst Akira Minamikawa. "Japanese firms should be ready for a future — maybe in a decade or two — when they lose all the Chinese customers as a result of the current tension dialing up speed of the Chinese efforts."

The measures seek to stop China's drive to develop its own chip industry and advance its military capabilities. They include restrictions on the export of some types of chips used in artificial intelligence and supercomputing and tighten rules on the sale of semiconductor manufacturing equipment to any Chinese company.

The US is seeking to ensure that Chinese companies do not transfer technology to the country's military and that chipmakers in China do not develop the capability to make advanced semiconductors themselves.

"With the latest measure, it would become difficult for China to manufacture and develop semiconductors because most semiconductor equipment are dominated by US and its allies, such as Japan and Netherlands," Chae Minsook, an analyst at Korea Investment & Securities, wrote in a report. "It is impossible to maintain the chip industry without adopting advanced equipments." - Bloomberg 


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